dscn0071Where do our story ideas come from? I’ve heard that authors get asked that all the time. If someone asked me that, I’d probably just stare at them. I’ve heard everything from dreams, to real-life issues that need to be dealt with, to them just popping up out of the blue… even so far as a misspelled word.

The real question that I think most people are asking is, how do you expand on that idea? How do you take a seed of an idea and turn it into a book? Some seeds, you know exactly what it’s going to turn into. Some seeds, you get already sprouted, leading you into its final form. There’s even going to be the time that you have a seed of an idea for a book… and you don’t even realize it.

The difference between an author and everyone else in the world… is that you recognize that seed for what it is… and nurture it… and take care of it. We take that tiny little idea, whether it’s fleshed out or not… and show the world what we’ve done.

So, before we even start off on our adventure, we need to look, listen and watch… because the world is full of seeds. Once you find that seed, though. Write it down. But don’t sit on it… we’ll discuss the first steps of what to do with that seed tomorrow.