file000676603076You may have decided which software to use to write that new bestseller, but have you given any thought to a helper? No, not a little guy named Shortround that’ll drive you around with blocks tied to his feet… a helper program like the ones below. These fall under the topic of Story Development Software. These will not only help you get a little more organized, but also help you expand on your story… especially if all you have is a basic idea.

Contour –
Dramatica –
Outline 4D –
StoryWeaver –

When a photographer goes out to shoot pictures, almost every professional will carry something besides a camera. Things like a tripod, light baffles, flashes, props, etc… everything that might turn a blah picture into an amazing moment captured in time.

That’s what these programs can do. Personally, I’ve used Dramatica (and I hope to use and review the other ones, too), and it helped me out immensely. When I knew what I was going to write for my 2014 Nano project, I only had a beginning, middle and end. I had a few exciting bits planned out with absolutely nothing pulling it all together. After answering the questions that Dramatica had for me, I had a background story for almost every character in the book, I knew what was going to happen and when, to progress the story to the major plot points. Without that software, I don’t think my story would have turned out quite as well if I hadn’t used that software.

Then again, not all photographers carry the extras… they just have that innate ability. So, it’s up to you… are we going out with helpers? Or are we going alone?