file4961245785605Before we trudge off into the unknown, packs loaded down, elephants fed and watered… what are we missing? How about some companions? Maybe a friend or two to enjoy the ride with? (even though it may only be through some strategic texts or chats now and again) I’m talking about a writing group. Now, before you start hissing, “My Precious!” and grabbing your supplies, it’s not all bad.

Where to we find these elusive ‘friends’? Well, there’s multiple ways… just like with any other hobby. You’ve got your local groups (there should be a few, even in podunk towns like the one I live in, there’s a few), your online groups… Google it, and BE AMAZED!!! There’s the Nanowrimo site, Yahoo groups, etc… etc… There’s even writing groups on every version of online chat you can find… even naughty ones.

Get out there, introduce yourself, find a group that you click with, and then join each other in sharing your work, setting challenges for yourself, take part in writing sprints and contests… before you know it, you’ll have gained yourself a little extension of your family (but these members won’t shy away when you say, “Hey, could you read something for me?”)

Since my writing group is partaking in a mini-nano to participate in a writing contest, this week’s posts are all dedicated to them (since they are probably the only people who actually read this blog, anyway).